How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In Chicago

How Much do Uber Drivers Make Weekly in Nigeria? (June 2022) How Much Do Uber Drivers Make In Chicago

Have you ever wondered about how much Uber drivers make in Chicago? How much do these drive-hailing gurus of the Windy City make in a week? I certainly have. As someone who had to push my way through college, taking on an Uber driving job is something I have considered alongside traditional jobs such as bartending, nursing, and teaching. After all, I had an instinct it would be a much lucrative option.

I set out to discover and see for myself what Uber drivers are able to earn. As I started digging around online and network with some of my friends, here’s what I found.

Understanding The Driver Side

Apparently, when you decide to join Uber, you’ll share a percentage of the ride cost with the company, in addition to other costs such as admin and tax. This means that you won’t be able to pocket every single dollar you earn. After all, you will need to deduct costs such as insurance and maintenance.

Besides that, you will also need to consider what time you’ll be driving; different times of the day have different pay rates. This means that you’ll have to consider timing your runs and taking the time to figure out the right time and place to be.

Uber also offers incentives for drivers to keep their skills sharp, such as a particular rating, as well as rewards for referral. This can increase your overall earnings.

How Much Can You Earn?

Now for the most exciting bit. Without all the cost deductions and other consideration, how much can you expect to pocket from a week driving with Uber? I collated the numbers I found and here’s what I got.

In Chicago, Uber drivers get an average of between $380 and $420 per week after the weekly costs. This is a decent amount of money for anyone who is responsible with their earnings and investment. If you are able to make more trips within the city, you can expect to bank even more.

But of course, since this job pays on an hourly basis, you’ll need to identify when the peak hours of the day are. During peak hours, the price of a ride can go upwards of 40 dollars. Since you’ll be earning a percentage of this, there’s a whole lot more money that you can potentially make.

The Price Variations

Uber cars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with a significant difference in their hourly earning potential. If you decide to join Uber and drive a standard car, like a 4-door sedan or an everyday car, then you can expect to make between $8 and $11 hourly.

Should you opt for an Uber XL or UberBlack services, then you can expect to make between $10.50 and $14.50 per hour. This can increase even further if you make use of the surge pricing when it applies.

If you think that Uber is right for you, and you have budgeted for considerations such as insurance and taxes, then you can potentially earn a significant sum as an Uber driver. Just bear in mind that driving for Uber is a business, so you will need to be responsible when it comes to allocating your finances.

Uber Vs Other Jobs

When compared to other jobs, such as teaching, you can expect to make much more money driving for Uber. Even when you deduct costs such as vehicle maintenance and insurance, you are still in a better position when compared to jobs that pay a fixed salary.

Additionally, the job market for artists and online entrepreneurs in Chicago is quite competitive. This makes it difficult to depend on those fields as your main source of income, especially during the pandemic.

When it comes to Uber, however, you will find that there is more room and flexibility, especially since they don’t require credentials or certifications. You can start any time you want and drive for as long as you want.

Pros And Cons

Of course, driving for Uber isn’t all sunshine and lollipops. There are some considerations that you need to bear in mind to ensure that you’ll make the most of this job, such as the cost and taxes.

You also need to consider how much you’ll be driving. Taxi jobs or other car-service delivery jobs are great when you are looking for something part-time or flexible. But if you are looking to make a living, then you’ll need to spend a considerable amount of time driving. This can quickly become tiresome, even when you are able to set your own hours.

But overall, you can still make a lot of money from Uber, even after deducting the cost and taxes. There is potential to make even more if you know when to drive during peak hours.


Uber drivers in Chicago make an average of between $380 to $420 per week after the weekly costs. This is a decent amount for those looking to make some side money, or those looking to make a living. Of course, you will need to bear the costs such as taxes and insurance in mind.

When compared to other jobs, like bartending, Uber driving can be a much more lucrative option since it pays hourly. Additionally, the flexibility and relatively low entry barrier makes it a great option to consider during times of the pandemic and uncertain job market.

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