How To Add Google Product Category In Shopify

4 Ways to Fast Forward a Shopping Feeds Campaign How To Add Google Product Category In Shopify

Adding Google Product Category to Your Shopify Store

For those of us looking to increase their online visibility, adding a Google Product Category to your Shopify store is a great place to start. Not only can it help bump up your visibility in organic searches, it can also help shoppers quickly search for and filter through the thousands of products available to them.

What is a Google Product Category?

Put simply, a Google product category is a classification system for online products. It helps search engines, such as Google, better understand the context of what your product is and consequently, where it should be placed in search. By having a clear product category, it takes away guess-work for the search engine, which ultimately means better visibility for your store’s products.

What Information Do I Need to Know?

Before adding a Google product category to your store, it is important to know what type of products you are selling. Do you sell electronics? Clothing? Something else? Understanding your product type is essential to properly adding a Google product category. It is also important to understand some terminology associated with the Google product category. “Product category” refers to the product’s global category. “Product subcategory” refers to the product’s subcategory and/or subbrand.

How Do I Add a Google Product Category?

Adding a Google product category to your Shopify store is easy. First, you must be in the Shopify admin area. There, you’ll find the “Products” section and select “Settings.” Scroll down and select “Google Product Category.” Here is where you’ll add a product category and/or subcategory. Once you’ve filled in the product category and/or subcategory fields, save your changes. Your customers will now be able to use Google to quickly find and filter through your store’s products.

Final Word

Adding Google product categories to your Shopify store is a great way to increase visibility on web searches, as it provides customers with easy ways to search for and filter through products. Make sure you understand what type of product you’re selling and how it should be classified within the Google product category system before continuing. Thanks to this new feature, customers can quickly and easily shop from your store. When properly used, adding a Google product category to your store will not only benefit customers, but your business as well by improving organic visibility and driving more sales.

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