How To Get Laundry Detergent Out Of Carpet

How To Get Laundry Detergent Out Of Carpet: A Guide For Handling Tough How To Get Laundry Detergent Out Of Carpet

Having laundry detergent in your carpet can be really stressful and worrisome. It is likely you got that laundry detergent in the carpet accidentally, but the important part is knowing how to get it out of the carpet.

Cleaning Carpet Stain with Dish Detergent

One of the most effective ways to remove laundry detergent from the carpet is by using dish detergent. The dish detergent works as a natural emulsifier, which literally breaks down the laundry detergent and allowing it to be lifted from the carpet fibers. All you need to do is make a solution of one tablespoon of dish detergent with 2 cups of warm water. Put the solution into a spray bottle and spray it onto the affected area. Leave it on the stain for about 10 minutes and then use a damp cloth to blot the area. Once it has all been absorbed, you can use a vacuum that has strong suction to remove any of the remaining detergent from the carpet fibers.

Removing Stain with a Mixture of Soap and Vinegar

Another useful method for removing laundry detergent from the carpet is to mix 2 parts liquid dish soap with 1 part white vinegar. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and spritz it onto the stained area. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before blotting it with a damp cloth. You could also use the same mixture to pre-treat the affected area – this works best on fresh detergent spills. After spraying the area, let it sit for about half an hour before using a damp cloth to blot the area. You can follow this up by vacuuming the area thoroughly.

Deep Clean with a Stain Remover

If the stain has been soaked into the coarse fibers of your carpet, you may need to use a stronger stain remover. Look for one that is specifically formulated to remove deep or dark stains from carpets – they usually use some bleaching agents and enzymes to make the stain disappear. Note that you should always test the stain remover in an inconspicuous area of the carpet before using it on the stained area itself.

Tips to Consider When Removing a Stain

When you are trying to get laundry detergent out of your carpet, make sure to take into consideration the size, shape, and age of the stain. Of course, you should always read the instructions on the stain remover before you use it and be sure not to mix it with any other cleaning solutions. In addition, you should always blot the stain with a damp cloth instead of rubbing or scrubbing it – this will help prevent the stain from getting deeper into the fabric.


In conclusion, it is possible to get laundry detergent out of your carpet, but it is important to know the right methods and techniques. The key is to act quickly and use specially formulated stain removers and ingredients that are designed to break down and lift the detergent from the carpet fibers. Follow the instruction carefully and blot the area regularly instead of scrubbing or rubbing it to ensure the best result.

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