How To Take A Knee In Madden 17

21 How To Take A Knee In Madden 17 Advanced Guide 04/2023 How To Take A Knee In Madden 17

Welcome to the summer of 2016, where the newest version of the Madden NFL series was eagerly awaited by millions of hardcore gamers around the world. And why? The newest version of the series held some of the newest, cutting-edge gaming technology to date. To top it off, the game included the ability to take a knee, an action that has become popularized by players and coaches in the NFL over the past few years.

What is Taking a Knee in Madden 17?

Taking a knee in Madden 17 is the ability to kneel after the play has been signaled dead by officials, usually but not always after the last play of the game. To do this, the player have to press the button combinations ahead of time so that when the decision is made to take a knee, the action of kneeling can be executed. It is a simple, yet effective action that is sure to add an extra layer of realism and fun to the game.

How to Take a Knee in Madden 17?

To kneel on a play in Madden 17, the player must first access the kneeling option in the game menu. Then, once on the field, the player must hit the right paddle with the right trigger followed by the left paddle with the left trigger. You may also have to press the X button for this to work, depending on your console. As long as the player has selected the kneeling option, the play should have their players kneel on the field and the officials will blow the play dead.

What Is the Significance of Taking a Knee in Madden 17?

The importance of taking a knee in Madden 17 goes beyond just having the ability to do something extra in the game. This action by the player can allow them to demonstrate solidarity with their team or even make a statement against something they disagree with, as many NFL players have done. In this way, Madden 17 has added another level of realism to the game by allowing players to kneel just as their real-life counterparts in the NFL.

Tips for Taking a Knee in Madden 17

The best way to ensure you take a knee in Madden 17 is to remember the controls. It's important to know which button combination to press depending on the console you are playing the game on. Also, be sure to practice different types of plays so that when you go for your actual play, you know where to hit the button combinations so that your players kneel accordingly and on time.

Things to Remember When Taking a Knee in Madden 17

One important thing to remember when taking a knee in Madden 17 is that the officials will recognize the play and blow the whistle accordingly. This stops the clock and ends the play, so if you're planning on taking a knee in the middle of an offensive would mean to make sure you still have timeouts left. Additionally, making sure you press the correct button combinations will determine if the play is successful. Take your time and practice to make sure it is successful.


Taking a knee in Madden 17 is a great way to add an extra bit of realism and fun to your game. It brings the game closer to reality and adds an extra layer of entertain to the game. As long as you know the controls and practice, then taking a knee in Madden 17 should be work for you. Happy gaming!

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