What Type Of Insect Is A Velvet Ant

Bug o’ the Week – Velvet Ant – Riveredge Nature Center What Type Of Insect Is A Velvet Ant

Have you ever encountered a creature that looks like a bee, crawls like a caterpillar, and gives you an unpleasant sting? If so, you may have just encountered a velvet ant, also sometimes called a cow killer ant. These pests are not actually ants; they are a type of wingless wasp!

What Do Velvet Ants Look Like?

Velvet ants are small and fuzzy. They are usually 0.2 to 0.5 inches long and are colored like velvet—typically one solid color, like black, orange, yellow, red, or gray. Some species have distinctive black and white stripes.

Velvet ants move slowly, making it easy to spot them. The front and middle pair of legs are short—obscuring the head—while the hind legs are much more noticeable. This makes it look like the velvet ant is scurrying along on its hind legs, kind of like a caterpillar.

Where Do Velvet Ants Live?

Velvet ants usually live in lawns or meadows in small, temporary burrows. They generally live in the South and the East but are occasionally seen as far north as Minnesota and Maine. They also have been identified in some western states.

Though they usually make their temporary burrows in the ground, velvet ants may live a bit longer in shaded, cool grasses. These ants prefer dry climates and seashores.

What Do Velvet Ants Eat?

Velvet ants feed mostly on-ground insects, including grasshoppers and other bugs. Some species feed on pre-made holes, including ports and caves made by rodents and other small mammals. They feed by day and night.

A curious prey of the velvet ant is the eastern mole cricket. Some velvet ants have evolved to live in the cricket burrows, where they feed on the cricket's eggs. A female velvet ant may even remain in a cricket burrow for weeks while feeding on eggs.

What Are the Dangers of Velvet Ants?

Velvet ants can deliver a painful sting if you try to remove them from your home. It's important to contact pest control professionals immediately if you encounter them in your home or yard.

These ants can be dangerous to small children and pets. While the sting isn't fatal, it can be very unpleasant. If you've been stung, wash the wound with soap and water and use a cold compress at the site to reduce pain.

How Can I Protect My Home from a Velvet Ant Infestation?

Velvet ants tend to enter homes when they are looking for food. You can help prevent an infestation by keeping your home or yard neat and tidy. Be sure to seal any openings or cracks that could provide an entry point for these pests.

You should also check for damage to your foundation, walls, and floors. Repair any cracks or holes that you find, as these provide a doorway to your home. Finally, be sure to keep your windows and doors shut as often as possible.

What Should I Do If I Suspect an Infestation?

If you suspect an infestation, you should contact a pest control professional. A professional can identify the species, locate the source of the infestation, and recommend treatments. The experts can also provide advice about prevention, maintenance, and ongoing pest control services.

If you suspect you have a velvet ant infestation, take steps to protect your family, pets, and home from these annoying and potentially dangerous pests.

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