Where Is The Microphone On Samsung Galaxy S5

How to Fix Samsung Galaxy S7 Microphone Not Working Issue Where Is The Microphone On Samsung Galaxy S5

For many of us, our Samsung Galaxy S5 is our prized possession that we use daily. When we run into technical snags, it pretty much throws a wrench into our day. One such problem that is extremely frustrating is when the microphone stops working.

Noticing the Glitch

When I first realized that my Galaxy S5’s microphone wasn’t functioning, it felt like my world was crashing down on me. Without a microphone, I would not be able to successfully call, record, sing, or messenger anyone. Communicating with the outside world suddenly became a lot harder. With the fear of missing out on important conversations, I knew I needed to get this issue fixed as soon as possible. First and foremost, in order to solve the problem, I had to understand why the problem existed, so I began my research.

Determining the Problem

After a few hours of research, I gathered that the issue resided with the physical microphone on my Galaxy S5. This baffled me because I knew my phone had worked perfectly fine before this issue made its entrance. Piece by piece, I began to understand that the microphone glitch was most likely a hardware issue. Unfortunately for me, hardware issues tend to be a lot harder to solve than, lets say, software issues.

Locating the Microphone

The next step in my dilemma was to try and locate the microphone on my device. After all, I couldn't fix something I couldn't find. After hours of observational examination, I eventually managed to locate the microphone on the bottom left of the device. Knowing my location was one thing, but knowing how to access it was another. I got frustrated with no luck on finding information about the specifics of the process, so in the end, I decided to take a look at my device manuals and take it from there.

Checking the Manual

Surprisingly, the manual had a section about examining and possibly replacing the microphone. After reading through the section, I had a much better understanding of the process and the tools I would need. Although I wasn't exactly sure if this would fix the exact issue I was experiencing, the manual made the process sound relatively simple.

Making the Repairs

I got the necessary tools and got to work, following the steps outlined in the manual. During the repair process, it's important to take extra precautions because any wrong move can most likely damage the internal structure of the device. After an tedious hour and a half, I concluded the repair process feeling particularly confident that it would fix the issue.

Testing the Process

To see if my repair attempts had any impact, I had to try to make a call and see if my microphone issue had disappeared. I dialed a family member who I knew would be prompt to respond if there were any issues with the call. To my relief, the call connected without any issues, and my family member was even able to hear me clearly. I guess the lengthy repair process had paid off.

Lesson Learned

At the end of the day, it turns out that understanding the basics of your device can save a lot of time and energy. Although I didn't end up needing to replace the microphone, I was at least glad that I now knew how to locate it and access it. I have learned that when it comes to seeing if a repair works, it's important to check multiple times to make sure the results are consistent every time.

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