What To Say To Insurance After Accident Reddit

What Should You Not Say to Your Insurance Company After an Accident in What To Say To Insurance After Accident Reddit

Getting into an auto accident is never a pleasant experience. After a crash, you'll likely be dealing with a mix of emotions, so it is important to understand what you should and shouldn't say to your insurance company in the aftermath. When talking to an insurance adjuster, it is essential to be honest and straight to the point. Here is what you should avoid saying to your insurance company after an auto accident.

Don't Admit Fault

The worst thing you can do after an accident is admit fault. Even if you assume you are at fault, you should never admit liability to your insurance company. It could be used against you later on, and your rates could increase if you accept full responsibility. Instead, stick to the facts that you know to be true.

It is also important to remember that the other driver might not tell the truth, and the police report may not accurately reflect the incident. Don't be persuaded to agree with the other driver's version of the events if it does not match with your own memory of what happened.

It is always a good idea to speak with a lawyer before you talk with insurance. A lawyer can provide you with helpful legal advice and can help protect your rights.

Don't Let the Other Driver Influence You

The other driver might try to pressure you into taking a certain action or making a certain statement. You should not agree to anything without speaking with your insurance first. If the other driver insists that you must provide a recorded statement or agree to something, politely decline and tell them that it must be done through your insurance company.

You should also never sign any documents from the other driver. Signing these documents could potentially revoke or limit any coverage you may have with your insurance company. This could leave you financially liable if there are any disputes regarding what happened.

It is also important to remember to remain courteous and professional when talking with the other driver. Keeping your emotions in check will ensure that the conversation can be productive and can help with resolving the issue quickly.

Don't Neglect Documentation

After an accident, it is essential to document every aspect of the incident. This includes taking pictures of the scene of the accident, writing down the other driver's information, and any witnesses that may have been present. Documenting the accident can help your insurance company when filing a claim, and can also provide valuable evidence if the other driver turns out to be at fault.

It is also important to save any medical bills and records that may have come as a result of the accident. These documents can be used to determine the severity of the accident and the amount of damages you may be able to receive.

Don't Come Off as Aggressive

When talking to an insurance adjuster, it is important to remain polite and professional. Being aggressive or demanding when talking to an insurance adjuster could be used as evidence by the other driver that the incident was your fault. It is also important to be truthful when talking to an adjuster, even if it does not support your case.

Speaking with an insurance adjuster can be intimidating, but as long as you remain courteous and provide accurate information, you should have no problem getting a fair outcome from the process.

Don't Ask Unless Relevant

When talking to an adjuster, it is important to keep the conversation focused and on-topic. Asking questions that are not relevant to the incident can lead to confusion and will not help your chances of getting a favorable result.

Additionally, it is important to avoid speaking with the other driver's insurance company without speaking with your insurance first. Doing so could put you at a disadvantage and may open up a can of worms that you don't want to deal with.

Don't Rush Through

When talking to an insurance adjuster, it is important to take your time and answer their questions as accurately as possible. Rushing through the conversation could lead to mistakes or omissions that could eventually hurt your case.

Speak slowly and make sure you understand the question before you respond. If there is anything that you do not understand, make sure to ask for clarification.

Don't Post on Social Media

Before you talk to your insurance adjuster, make sure to refrain from posting about the incident on social media. Even if it was an accident, posting about it on social media could give the wrong impression and could be used against you.

Additionally, you should ask any witnesses not to post about the incident until all the details have been settled. This will help ensure that your case is not negatively impacted by anyone's social media post.


Talking with an insurance adjuster after an accident can be an intimidating experience, but staying calm and following the tips above can help you get the best outcome for your case. Be honest and stick to the facts, and avoid saying anything that could be used against you or your insurance company. Following these steps will help ensure that you get the most favorable outcome possible.

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